Bible Study...
- "One Year Bible" - read the New Testament portions & meditate on the bold print
- What Makes a Man Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Husband Really Wants/ Barnes, Bob
- In The Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.” - Psalm 136:1,26
Personal Goals... Find something to enjoy and look forward to each day.
Husband Encouragement...
- Make it a point to say thank you at least three times a day.
- Make a point of letting him lead our home... make sure he feels that he is in the "driver's seat".
New Habit of the Month...
Clear out mail nightly (December)
MUST Do...
- Pay bills
- Buy dog food
- Balance check book
- Get back on track with groceries
M = beanie weenie cornbread casserole, broccoli with cheese
Tu = bbq chicken scrambles, limma beans, peaches
W = (My Love) baked chicken, baked sweet potatoes, green beans
Th = out (gotta work day and night... bummer!)
F = TBA (shopping day & day to reach goal of getting back on track)
- Ladies Bible study Wednesday night
- Swimming at the Y
- SIL joining bible study
1. My Love
2. CopperMan
3. Family