Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15 Checklist

Bible Study... 
·        One Year Bible
·        John 6

·        Boundaries/Cloud, Henry
·        Fighting for Your Marriage/Markman, Howard
·        Inheritance/Paolini, Christopher
·        Never Buried/Claire, Edie

Memory Verse... 
·        2 Samuel 7:22 - "How great are you, Sovereign Lord!  There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears."

Husband Encouragement...
 Evening quality time 
 “Thank you!” with enthusiasm.

Personal Goals...
·        Up by 6:30 to jog or bike six days a week.
·        10K in March

New Habit of the Month...  {October}
·        15 min of housework a night.

MUST Do... 
·        Schedule fun connection time with My Love.
·        Shop for and mail gift for nephew’s birthday. 
·        Make curtains for kitchen and laundry room.
·        Hang pictures in dining room.

Su - MIL
M - slow cooker jumbo lima beans, Carolina cole slaw, & cream corn skillet cornbread
Tu - beef tips, brussel sprouts, and white potatoes in slow cooker with left over slaw and cornbread
Th – grilled chicken glazed with jalapeno jelly, grilled pineapple, green beans, rice, and apple sauce
F – BBQ chicken, swish chard, and potato hash
Sa – date night
Su –baked chicken, baked apple & pumpkin with pecans, and creamed spinach

·        Family nights Sunday, Wednesday, & Thursday
·        Date Night!

3 things I’m thankful for today...
1.    Volunteers to help cut for programs.
2.    Family God gave me.
3.    My Sunday School class.