Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going for Seven in 2011!

FLYLady's 2011 Rally Cry is:

"Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"

I have decided that I can do lots of things with this. I think this will bless My Love, my dear husband. We need to get our house organized. It is bugging both of us.

I have worked up a schedule using the FLY Lady's "Sevens for 2011." It is my hope that, using this schedule, I can break the work down into bites that are not too big and can actually, over time, get the house in a more manageable order.

Here is the schedule I've come up with. I will set the timer twice a night to seven minutes. This should only take 14 minutes a night of my time. In theory, that should be doable and not overwhelming.

I can't do anything without the blessing of My Love and the help of my LORD, so it is my sincerest prayer that My Love will get on board with me, and we can develop some habits that will help us live more in harmony with our surroundings and each other. Hopefully, it will help us to bless, each other, our extended family, and our friends with hospitality from our home.

So... here goes. Two sets of seven tasks to finally organize our house. The plan is to methodically work my/our way through the house until it is all in order.... 14 minutes a day.

I. Daily Organization Tasks

Mondays - Set timer for seven minutes and focus on one thing or one area.

Tuesdays - Pick a room or problem area and pick up 7 items to put away, give away, or throw away.

Wednesdays - Set a timer for seven minutes and focus on one thing or one area.

Thursdays - Pick a room or problem area and pick up 7 items to put away, give away, or throw away.

Fridays - Set a timer for seven minutes and focus on one thing or one area.

Saturdays - Make up 7 menus for the next week.

Sundays - Sit down and rest for 7 minutes or read 7 pages in my current book.

II. Nightly Cleaning Tasks

Mondays - Vacuum

Tuesdays - Dust

Wednesdays - Quick Mop

Thursdays - Scrub Bathrooms

Fridays - Purge magazines/catalogs/mail

Saturdays - Change Sheets

Sundays - Empty all trash cans


  1. Great idea!! I think I am going to try this...thanks!!! =D

  2. Second time I've seen this just today--might have to try this!
