Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monday (or Sunday) Meanderings... February 6, 2011

Verse of Week...
"Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor" - Proverbs 21:21

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max

Husband Encouragement...
* Say "Thank you" often.
* Let stuff go.... don't hold him to the perfectionist standards I am trying to release myself from.
* Watch my tone of voice. Speak softly.
* Get over my independence and need him. Then let him know how I need him.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Make small talk in the morning. ["Good Morning", "Thank you", kiss & hug]
* Make time each evening to give him undivided attention.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Enjoy life. Stop and smell the roses. Find at least one thing to look forward to and enjoy at home and at work EACH day.

Work Goals...
* Complete a evaluation.
* Proof & send in program planning sheets for April - August.
* Finish monthly reports.
* Improve communications.

New Habit of the Month...
I give myself permission now to not be perfect this next week. I know I have a lot to accomplish at work and want to take time to connect with family and friends this week, so I have lightened up my goals for "Seven in 2011" for this week.

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**

M - Vac
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop - spend 7 mins focused on cleaning one area
Th - Scrub Bathrooms - organize 7 things
F - Purge magazines/catalogs/mail - 1 hour on organizing house
Sa - Change Sheets
Su - Empty all trash cans - rest

MUST Do...
* Mail pictures of birthday to nieces! I have been meaning to do this for three weeks!
* Mail craft to nieces!
* Call out of town girlfriend.
* Video chat with nieces.
* Celebrate Mom's Birthday.
* Pay Bills
* CopperMan's monthly meds

Menu ...
Snack - puppy chow
M - beef stew, corn bread and salad (bake lemon cake for mom)
Tu - Mom's birthday
W - crock pot: Greek Chicken & potatoes, green beans, carrots and whole wheat biscuits
Th - red beans & rice with slaw and corn bread muffins
F - fried egg chicken burger, sweet potato fries and early peas
Sa - Date Night
Su - out & leftovers

* Mom's Birthday
* Bible Study
* Trying out a new gym

Things I'm thankful for today...
1. God's love and provision. How blessed I am to have a savior who is interested in every intricate detail of my life and wants me to come to Him daily with my all.
2. My Love
3. CopperMan
4. Girl-friends
5. Rocu
6. Netflix
7. Video chatting with loved ones far, far away
8. My Piano
9. Gyms to workout in on cold wet days

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