Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Meanderings... March 28, 2011

Verse of Week...
1 Timothy 2:5-6 - "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time."

Bible Study...

* One Year Bible: Old Testament
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max (Chapter 15)

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening. Complete my nightly routine by 9:00 so that I can spend an hour with him before needing to go to bed.
* Make him a yummy snack.
* Greet him at the door with a kiss.

Personal Goals...

* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Remember to pamper self a little and not feel guilty about the time taken to do it.
* Work out 3 days this week.

Work Goals...
* Introduce new schedule.
* Help new lady feel welcome.
* Encourage better work attitudes.

New Habit of the Month...
*Schedule my evenings. (MARCH) Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking CopCop.

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**
(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, and continuing)
- Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)
F - Date Night!
Sa - change sheets
Su - trash, rest

Must Do...

* Mail scrapbook stuff to SIL!
* Pay bills.
* Shop for tickets.
* Mail nieces a craft.

Menu ...
Snack - Peanut Butter Oat Bites
M - Southwestern Grilled chicken & salad
Tu - Sloppy BBQ Chicken (Turkey) Pizza with roasted asparagus
W - Chicken Cesar Salad with Bacon-Parmesan Cheese "Croutons"
Th - Black & Rice Bean Stoup
- Date Night
Sa - Spicy Ham & Spinach pasta bake
- eat from the freezer

* Date Night!
* Ladies Bible Study
* Saturday off work with My Love

Things I'm Thankful for Today...
* God's love
* My Love
* CopMan
* Plans to see my family that moved far, far away
* Piano to practice at home
* Bible Study Ladies
* Gym Membership with swimming pool!
* TV/Netflix

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