Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday Meanderings... July 25, 2011

Verse of SUMMER 2011... Psalm 29:11 (NLT)
"The LORD gives his people strength.
The LORD blesses them with peace."

The Summer Library Program is officially over, but the paperwork and lose ends are not. I had said I was going to keep this verse through the end of the SLP. And, I did. It has been a great verse to claim. I am going to keep it until I finish wrapping up the programming... paperwork and all.

Bible Study...
* Reading through Exodus.

Husband Encouragement...
* Pray for him at least 3 times daily; first thing in the morning, at lunch time, and on the way home from work. If things come up, could pray more often, but pray for sure at these set times.
* Greet him with a smile, hug, and kiss each morning and at the end of each work day.
* Look for ways to make him feel like "king" of our home.
* Ask him about his dreams, and tell him I hope he reaches them.

Personal Goals...
* Swim, bike, or walk everyday. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.
* Set proper boundaries for work and home. Pray for God to help me do this.
* Purposefully love and be affectionate with My Love.
* Practice piano some.
* Get plenty of rest. Listen to my body for what it needs.

Work Goals...
* Figure out new schedule per my new "boss."
* "Give each staff member credit for the proper number students they register." - Done. Award Atlanta Bread Co. gift certificate to the staff who registered the most kids. Have a party for the staff.
* Find ways to encourage staff.
* Shine for God on the job. Please HIM.

Seven in 2011 Plan...
M - grocery shop
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Scrub Bathrooms
F - vac
Sa - Change Sheets
Su - Empty all trash cans - rest

M = Moe's
Tu = spaghetti & spinach meatballs with salad
W = Pork chop caccitore & roasted asparagus
Th = Creole Beef Casserole with salad
F = Italian pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob & biscuits
Sa = Date Night :)
Su = Breakfast Casserole & fruit salad

Must Do...
* Pay bills.
* enter & total in ledger

* Swimming
* Relax time in the evenings with My Love.
* Date Night

Things I'm Thankful for This Week...
* My Love, my dear husband.
* CopperMan, my lovable dog.
* Good books
* Gym membership with a pool.
* Smartphone

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