Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Meandering... November 7, 2011

Verse of the Week...
1 Timothy 2:1-2 - "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Bible Study...
* Reading through Leviticus.

Husband Encouragement...
* Pray for him.
* Seek him out for hugs.
* Cook some for him this week.

Personal Goals...
* Purposefully love and be affectionate with My Love.
* Get plenty of rest. Listen to my body for what it needs.
* Walk CopperMan each evening... exercise for me and him.

Work Goals...
* Reflect My Heavenly Father. Seek justice... love mercy... show grace... genuinely love...
* Find ways to encourage staff.
* Direct the flow so that everything gets done.
* Foster better communication.
* Distribute Emergency Manual Updates at branch and discuss changes with staff.
* Promote "A Turkey for Thanksgiving" coming on November 19.

Tu = porcupines, mashed potatoes and peas
W = cheeseburger casserole and green beans
Th = hamburger noodle casserole and tossed salad
Sa = TBD
Su = TBD

Must Do...
* Call nieces. Hope to video chat.
* Mail pictures to nieces.
* Plan date for next bible study.
* Register for baby gifts.

* Saturday off work!
* Registering for baby gifts.
* Playing piano and singing for baby.
* Reading to baby.

Things I'm Thankful for This Week...
* My Love, my dear husband.
* CopperMan, my lovable dog.
* Our Baby.

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