Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Meanderings... April 18, 2011

Verse of Week...
Romans 10:9-10 - "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible: Old Testament

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Take time for needed rest so that I am not too tired to enjoy being with him. This means... pace myself, and let things go when I can so that I can spend time with him and not be too tired to enjoy it.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Take it slow. Don't overdo it and get too tired.

Work Goals...
* Register child care centers for the summer reading program.
* Call volunteers for kick-off.
* Prepare shopping list for SLP.
* Schedule shopping trip for SLP.
* Lead attitude change with a good attitude from me.
* Write procedures for opening on Thursdays. [This day is different because there are special reports that have to be sent to ADM.]
* Prepare staff and branch for me to be off Thursday - Tuesday.

New Habit of the Month...
* April - De-clutter in at least four 15 minute increments on my day off.
* March - Schedule my evenings. Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking CopCop.
* January & February - 7 in 2011 plan

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**
(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH and continuing)
M - Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Enjoy family time
F - Enjoy family time
Sa - Enjoy family time
Su - Enjoy family time

Must Do...
* Make appointment with allergist.
* Make appointment with eye doctor.
* Make appointment for My Love with dentist.
* Shop for niece's birthday present.
* Prepare for family time. Don't forget scrapbook stuff, birthday and Easter presents, and typing special Easter Breakfast recipe so it can be shared.

M - Prepare for special family time.
Tu - Prepare for special family time.
W - Prepare for special family time.
Th - Enjoy family time.
F - Enjoy family time.
Sa - Enjoy family time.

Menu ... Snack - Peanut Butter Oat Bites
M - Moe's (grocery shop)
Tu - eat out with my parents
W - eat out
Th - TBD
Sa - TBD
Su - Special Easter Breakfast Recipe: Southern Living Lemon Muffins

* Spending time with out of town family.
* Neice's birthday party Thursday night.
* Six days in a row off work!

Things I'm Thankful for Today...
* God's love & provision.
* My Love.
* CopperMan.
* Friends and Family

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