Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday Meanderings... April 25, 2011

Verse of the Week...
* Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible/ Old Testament Portion (currently reading in Exodus)

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on staying calm and being calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Work on the budget and find designated spending money for each of us.
* Don't be so quick to say no to his suggestions. Consider saying yes more often and in so doing show him my trust and affirm him as leader in our home.
* Pray for him at three designated times of the day - first thing in the morning, at lunch, and on the way home from work. And, be specific.
* Take "things" to God first and My Love second.
* Start changing out pictures and interior decor to make the house look more like "us" and less like "me".

Personal Goals...
* Walk CopCop each night.
* Exercise/run at least every other day.
* Lift weights at least one day.
* Relax and "smell the flowers" or "be childish" in small doses at least a little everyday.

Work Goals...
* Go through the mail from being off Thursday - Tuesday.
* Finish May schedules (staffing & desk)
* Schedule shopping trip
* Start calling volunteers
* Complete scheduling daycares
* Complete shopping list
* Start cutting for SLP Kick-Off
* Complete scheduling school visits

New Habit of the Month...
* Declutter for four 15 minute sessions on my day off.

Seven in 2011 Plan/Goal...
M - vacuum
Tu - dust
W - quick mop
Th - bathrooms/ bible study
F - Date Night
Sa - four 15 minute declutter sessions
Su - rest/trash

Must Do...
* Pay Bills
* Bake a treat for dog sitter from last week.
* Unpack from trip

Zone... Living Room & spare bedrooms
M - off - out of town family
Tu - off - out of town family
W - discuss plan to start making these rooms functional
Th - empty picture frames & order new pictures to go in them
F - Date Night - Dream of how we want the rooms to be eventually. Come to an agreement that is good for both of us... not a compromise that is hard for both of us to swallow.
Sa - declutter - Put everything into three categories... keep, give away, & trash. Put out trash, and form a plan for the give away stuff.
Su - rest

M - out of town family
Tu - traveling
W - shopping - BuyOne/GetOne coupon for Ruby Tuesdays
Th - Salmon Salad over arugula, spinach and romaine with garlic bread & corn on the cob
F - Date night (need leftovers)
Sa - Linguine with bacon, onions, & asparagus, garlic bread & salad
Su - grilled chicken with quinoa & bean salad and garlic bread

Fun Things...
* Playing with neices on Monday and Tuesday
* Shopping MaryKay with my SIL
* Traveling with My Love
* Coming home to CopperMan
* Movie night with my brother

Things I'm Thankful for This Week...
1. My Love & our relationship... We have far that we can go. God is still working on us. But, this week I looked back, and I see how each of us have gown closer to each other and God and in our relationships with each other and with God... and I'm thankful for this gift from God.
2. CopperMan... greatest dog in the world. Oh, how I missed him when we were gone!
3. Neices and the chance to spend a few days with them again... each stage of their life is special, unique, and fleeting. It was such a special gift to get to spend time with them.
4. Great SILs. I have four, and I'm thankful for them all, but 2 of them have really touched and inspired me this week. God has really blessed me in this area.
5. Home... it's good to travel, and it's good to be home.

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