- "Experiencing God's Peace" by Elizabeth George
- Philippians 4:1-3
- Psalm 30:11 (New Living Translation)
"11 You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy"
Husband Encouragement
- Remember to say please and thank you... use manners.
- Send him a love note or poem in his lunch.
- Bake cookie pie for him.
- Believe in him and let him know that I do.
- Pray for his interactions at work.
- Pray for him to grow closer to God.
- Pray for him to have wisdom to lead our family.
- Let him lead our family & support him without taking over.
Personal Goals
- Leave work at work.
- Focus in bible reading & prayer time.
- Seek the JOY of the LORD.
- Intentionally love my husband.
- Make progress developing good morning, after work & bedtime routines with FLY Lady.
Work Goals
- Complete at least three overdue reports.
- Get excited about storytimes.
- Teach yearly hurricane preparation class.
- Find judges for art contest.
- Display all art that comes in for the contest.
Menu Plan
Sunday - Mom's
Monday - oven fried chicken, asparagus, & biscuits
Tuesday - apricot lemon chicken over rice with broccoli & cheese
Wednesday - pan seared steaks, sweet potato hash & caramelized onion green beans
Thursday - grilled chicken sandwiches & baby lima beans
Friday - (nieces spend the night) take nieces out
Saturday - Dinner & a Movie [Princess Bride!] fellowship - Avocado Lemon Dip
Snack of the Week: Energy Bars
Dessert of the Week: Lemon Bar Cookie Pie & Brownies
Fun Things
- Dinner & a Movie Fellowship - We are going to watch "Princess Bride"!
- Taking my nieces out to dinner.
- Keeping my nieces. It has been two weeks since I have kept them, and I miss them like crazy!
- Going for a bike ride with My Love.
Things I'm Thankful For This Week
- My Love, my God given husband
- My Copperman, best dog in the world
- My nieces
- YMCA membership - I love to swim.
- My bike is fixed and I get to ride again this week... weather permitting.
- Coffee... mornings are just better with it & My Love does a great job making it everyday
- my bed...
- sleep
- DVD's
Brownies and bike riding are both sounding great this week! Thanks for joining me!