Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Meanderings... March 28, 2011

Verse of Week...
1 Timothy 2:5-6 - "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time."

Bible Study...

* One Year Bible: Old Testament
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max (Chapter 15)

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening. Complete my nightly routine by 9:00 so that I can spend an hour with him before needing to go to bed.
* Make him a yummy snack.
* Greet him at the door with a kiss.

Personal Goals...

* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Remember to pamper self a little and not feel guilty about the time taken to do it.
* Work out 3 days this week.

Work Goals...
* Introduce new schedule.
* Help new lady feel welcome.
* Encourage better work attitudes.

New Habit of the Month...
*Schedule my evenings. (MARCH) Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking CopCop.

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**
(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, and continuing)
- Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)
F - Date Night!
Sa - change sheets
Su - trash, rest

Must Do...

* Mail scrapbook stuff to SIL!
* Pay bills.
* Shop for tickets.
* Mail nieces a craft.

Menu ...
Snack - Peanut Butter Oat Bites
M - Southwestern Grilled chicken & salad
Tu - Sloppy BBQ Chicken (Turkey) Pizza with roasted asparagus
W - Chicken Cesar Salad with Bacon-Parmesan Cheese "Croutons"
Th - Black & Rice Bean Stoup
- Date Night
Sa - Spicy Ham & Spinach pasta bake
- eat from the freezer

* Date Night!
* Ladies Bible Study
* Saturday off work with My Love

Things I'm Thankful for Today...
* God's love
* My Love
* CopMan
* Plans to see my family that moved far, far away
* Piano to practice at home
* Bible Study Ladies
* Gym Membership with swimming pool!
* TV/Netflix

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Meanderings... March 21, 2011

Verse of Week...
Jeremiah 17:7-8
"...Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible: Old Testament
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max (Chapter 15)

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening. Complete my nightly routine by 9:00 so that I can spend an hour with him before needing to go to bed.
* Make him a yummy snack.
* Put a love note in his lunch or snack at least one day this week.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Remember to pamper self a little and not feel guilty about the time taken to do it.
* Work out 5 days this week. (I only made it 4 of the 5 days that I planned last week. I hope to do 5 or more this week.)

Work Goals...
* Start scheduling school visits for SLP promotion.
* Call high schools to offer volunteer hours.
* Finish working on schedule.
* Improve communications.

New Habit of the Month...
Schedule my evenings. (MARCH) Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking CopCop.

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**
(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, and continuing)
M - Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)
F - change the sheets
Sa - Date Night!
Su - trash, rest

Must Do...
* Mail scrapbook stuff to SIL.

Menu ...
Snack - Peanut Butter Oat Bites
M - Moe's
Tu - Broiled Salmon with Marmalade-Dijon Glaze, salad & roasted potatoes
W - Chicken & Summer Vegetable Tostadas with re-fried black beans
Th - Sausage, Pepper & Onion Pizza with green beans
F - Southwestern Grilled chicken & salad
Sa - Date Night
Su - eat from the freezer

* Date Night!

Things I'm Thankful for Today...
* God's love
* My Love
* CopMan
* Piano to practice at home
* Bible Study Ladies
* Gym Membership with swimming pool!
* TV/Netflix

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Meanderings... March 14, 2011

Verse of Week...
1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect....

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible: Old Testament
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening. Complete my nightly routine by 9:00 so that I can spend an hour and a half with him.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Pamper self a little.
* Work out 5 days this week.

Work Goals...
* Make progress on SLP plans!
* Work on scheduling.
* Improve communications.

New Habit of the Month...
Schedule my evenings. (MARCH) Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM.

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"** (JANUARY, FEBRUARY, and continuing)
M - Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)
F - change the sheets
Sa - Date Day!
Su - trash, rest

Must Do...
* Get CopCop's heart worm pill and give it to him.
* Pay bills.
* Mail scrapbook stuff to SIL.

Menu ...
Snack - trail mix (Honey Nut Cheerios, honey baked sesame sticks, glazed walnuts, raisins, and M&Ms)
M - chicken pasta & mixed green salad
Tu - Roasted Sesame Pork Tenderloin with Asian Slaw & Rice
W - Tuna Cakes with Creole dressing on Whole Wheat Buns with cole slaw and baked beans
Th - TBD
F - red beans & rice with corn bread
Sa - Papa's Pizza
Su - eat from the freezer

* Arts & Craft Festival
* Friend home for Spring Break

Things I'm thankful for today...
* God's love
* My Love
* CopMan
* Piano
* Bible Study Ladies
* Gym Membership
* TV/Netflix

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Monday Meanderings... March 7, 2011

Verse of Week...
Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV)
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible: Old Testament
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max

Husband Encouragement...
* Make sure that in our little "pack" of three he and our dog know he outranks the dog.
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Wear something he likes to go out on Date Night.
* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Pamper self a little.
* Work out 5 days this week.

Work Goals...
* Update an evaluation.
* Improve communications.

New Habit of the Month...
Schedule my evenings. (MARCH) Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM.

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"** (JANUARY, FEBRUARY, and continuing)


W - Quick Mop

Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)
F - change the sheets, work on budget
Sa - Date Night!
Su - trash, rest

Must Do...
* Get CopCop's monthly meds & give them to him.
* Book Drop on Tuesday!

Menu ...
Snack - Reeces Stuffed Chocolate Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
M - leftovers
Tu - PickleFish
W - Skillet steak, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob
Th - leftovers (bible studys night)
F - Date Night
Sa - Prosciutto, Garlic, and Herb Cheese-Stuffed Chicken with Tarragon Pan Sauce, roasted asparagus, rice and corn on the cob or carrots
Su - TBD

* Date Night
* Off Work on Monday, Tuesday, & Friday

Things I'm thankful for today...

* Days off work
* God's love
* My Love
* CopMan