Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Meandering... June 20, 2011

Verse of SUMMER 2011... Psalm 29:11 (NLT)
"The LORD gives his people strength.
The LORD blesses them with peace."

I plan to keep this verse through the end of the Summer Library Program.

Bible Study...
* Reading through Exodus.

Husband Encouragement...
* Pray for him at least 3 times daily; first thing in the morning, at lunch time, and on the way home from work. If things come up, could pray more often, but pray for sure at these set times.
* Greet him with a smile, hug, and kiss each morning and at the end of each work day.
* Look for ways to make him feel like "king" of our home.
* Ask him about his dreams, and tell him I hope he reaches them.

Personal Goals...
* Prayer run every day before going to work (5 days a week).
* Swim 4 afternoons after work... weather permitting.
* Set proper boundaries for work and home. Pray for God to help me do this.
* Purposefully love and be affectionate with My Love.
* Practice piano some.

Work Goals...
* Meet with each staff person.
* Work on evaluations for personal board.
* Call Child Care Centers and get lists of names, schools, and ages.
* Read at MRBC Child Development Center.
* Prepare for storytime.
* Change the configuration of the Meeting Room daily for programs.
* Keep up with count of registrations and prizes.
* Give each staff member credit for the proper number students they register.
* Process a cart of books on to the sale shelf.
* Find ways to encourage staff.
* Shine for God on the job. Please HIM.

New Habit of the Month...
* Iron the night before. - I got back on the wagon with this one last week. It really helped make my mornings calmer.

Seven in 2011 Plan...
(My Love ask me to put this on hold for the duration of the Summer Library Program. I am honoring him by doing as he asked.)

Zone... Kitchen
(This, also, was put on hold for the duration of the Summer Reading Program at the request of My Love.)

M = chicken scampi & broccoli over rigatoni alfredo
Tu = seared tuna, caramelized onion green beans, sliced tomato, & cheesy pasta shells
W = seared steak, sweet potato hash, & early peas
Th = black-bean salsa baked chicken & Spanish rice
F = Date Night :)
Sa = baked chicken, mac-n-cheese & butter beans
Su = huevos rancheros &/or leftovers &/or pancakes

Must Do...
* Mail care package to nieces.

* Swimming
* Relax time in the evenings with My Love.
* Date Night
* Video chatting with my nieces, my SIL, and my brother... I hope.

Things I'm Thankful for This Week...
* My Love, my dear husband.
* CopperMan, my lovable dog.
* Good books, bath time, and Bath & Body lavender, vanilla bath salts.
* Gym membership with a pool & whirlpool.
* Air Conditioning!
* My new phone.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Meanderings... June 13, 2011

Verse of SUMMER 2011... Psalm 29:11 (NLT)
"The LORD gives his people strength.
The LORD blesses them with peace."

My job is hard in the summer. This verse was pointed out to me by a friend during a prayer time, and I regret to say it, but I let it go and didn't follow up. Then God pointed me to it again in my morning bible reading time. I have been claiming it ever since, and as I pray to be one of "His people" and ask him to give me strength and bless me with peace, He has been providing both. I plan to keep this verse through the end of the Summer Library Program.

Bible Study...
* Reading through Exodus.

Husband Encouragement...
* Pray for him at least 3 times daily; first thing in the morning, at lunch time, and on the way home from work. If things come up, could pray more often, but pray for sure at these set times.
* Bake him brownies.
* Greet him with a smile, hug, and kiss each morning and at the end of each work day.
* Look for ways to make him feel like "king" of our home.

Personal Goals...
* Prayer run every day before going to work (5 days a week).
* Swim 4 afternoons after work... weather permitting.
* Set proper boundaries for work and home. Pray for God to help me do this.

Work Goals...
* Meet with each staff person.
* Work on evaluations for personal board.
* Call Child Care Centers and get lists of names, schools, and ages.
* Read at MRBC Child Development Center.
* Prepare for storytime.
* Change the configuration of the Meeting Room daily for programs.
* Keep up with count of registrations and prizes.
* Give each staff member credit for the proper number students they register.

New Habit of the Month...
* Iron the night before. - I did this one before, but I feel away from it. I need to do it again. I just don't have time in the morning, and I end up being late for work when I try to make it happen in the morning.

Seven in 2011 Plan...
(My Love ask me to put this on hold for the duration of the Summer Library Program. I am honoring him by doing as he asked.)

Zone... Kitchen
(This also was put on hold for the duration of the Summer Reading Program at the request of My Love.)

M = Moe's (eat out)
Tu = Ollie's (take out)
W = fried appetizer platter (zucchini, yellow squash, onion rings, green tomatoes, and chicken) with rice and copper penny carrots
Th = grilled chicken, onion, bell pepper kabobs, rice, & asparagus
F = tuna steaks, sweet potatoes, & broccoli with cheese
Sa = sesame chicken strips, white cheddar mac-n-cheese, a tossed salad
Su = Father's Day

Must Do...
* Mail care package to nieces.
* Give CopperMan his meds.

* Bath time Reading. - I have a really good book, and I plan to take time to read in the tub. Great way to relax.
* Swimming
* Relax time in the evenings with My Love.

Things I'm Thankful for This Week...
* My Love, my dear husband.
* CopperMan, my lovable dog.
* Good books and bath time.
* Gym membership with a pool.
* Air Conditioning - We have been reaching 101 during the day with heat indexes around 120. I thank God for the invention of air conditioning and that, so far, My Love and I are able to afford the comfort.