Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday Meanderings... April 25, 2011

Verse of the Week...
* Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible/ Old Testament Portion (currently reading in Exodus)

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on staying calm and being calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Work on the budget and find designated spending money for each of us.
* Don't be so quick to say no to his suggestions. Consider saying yes more often and in so doing show him my trust and affirm him as leader in our home.
* Pray for him at three designated times of the day - first thing in the morning, at lunch, and on the way home from work. And, be specific.
* Take "things" to God first and My Love second.
* Start changing out pictures and interior decor to make the house look more like "us" and less like "me".

Personal Goals...
* Walk CopCop each night.
* Exercise/run at least every other day.
* Lift weights at least one day.
* Relax and "smell the flowers" or "be childish" in small doses at least a little everyday.

Work Goals...
* Go through the mail from being off Thursday - Tuesday.
* Finish May schedules (staffing & desk)
* Schedule shopping trip
* Start calling volunteers
* Complete scheduling daycares
* Complete shopping list
* Start cutting for SLP Kick-Off
* Complete scheduling school visits

New Habit of the Month...
* Declutter for four 15 minute sessions on my day off.

Seven in 2011 Plan/Goal...
M - vacuum
Tu - dust
W - quick mop
Th - bathrooms/ bible study
F - Date Night
Sa - four 15 minute declutter sessions
Su - rest/trash

Must Do...
* Pay Bills
* Bake a treat for dog sitter from last week.
* Unpack from trip

Zone... Living Room & spare bedrooms
M - off - out of town family
Tu - off - out of town family
W - discuss plan to start making these rooms functional
Th - empty picture frames & order new pictures to go in them
F - Date Night - Dream of how we want the rooms to be eventually. Come to an agreement that is good for both of us... not a compromise that is hard for both of us to swallow.
Sa - declutter - Put everything into three categories... keep, give away, & trash. Put out trash, and form a plan for the give away stuff.
Su - rest

M - out of town family
Tu - traveling
W - shopping - BuyOne/GetOne coupon for Ruby Tuesdays
Th - Salmon Salad over arugula, spinach and romaine with garlic bread & corn on the cob
F - Date night (need leftovers)
Sa - Linguine with bacon, onions, & asparagus, garlic bread & salad
Su - grilled chicken with quinoa & bean salad and garlic bread

Fun Things...
* Playing with neices on Monday and Tuesday
* Shopping MaryKay with my SIL
* Traveling with My Love
* Coming home to CopperMan
* Movie night with my brother

Things I'm Thankful for This Week...
1. My Love & our relationship... We have far that we can go. God is still working on us. But, this week I looked back, and I see how each of us have gown closer to each other and God and in our relationships with each other and with God... and I'm thankful for this gift from God.
2. CopperMan... greatest dog in the world. Oh, how I missed him when we were gone!
3. Neices and the chance to spend a few days with them again... each stage of their life is special, unique, and fleeting. It was such a special gift to get to spend time with them.
4. Great SILs. I have four, and I'm thankful for them all, but 2 of them have really touched and inspired me this week. God has really blessed me in this area.
5. Home... it's good to travel, and it's good to be home.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Meanderings... April 18, 2011

Verse of Week...
Romans 10:9-10 - "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible: Old Testament

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Take time for needed rest so that I am not too tired to enjoy being with him. This means... pace myself, and let things go when I can so that I can spend time with him and not be too tired to enjoy it.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Take it slow. Don't overdo it and get too tired.

Work Goals...
* Register child care centers for the summer reading program.
* Call volunteers for kick-off.
* Prepare shopping list for SLP.
* Schedule shopping trip for SLP.
* Lead attitude change with a good attitude from me.
* Write procedures for opening on Thursdays. [This day is different because there are special reports that have to be sent to ADM.]
* Prepare staff and branch for me to be off Thursday - Tuesday.

New Habit of the Month...
* April - De-clutter in at least four 15 minute increments on my day off.
* March - Schedule my evenings. Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking CopCop.
* January & February - 7 in 2011 plan

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**
(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH and continuing)
M - Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Enjoy family time
F - Enjoy family time
Sa - Enjoy family time
Su - Enjoy family time

Must Do...
* Make appointment with allergist.
* Make appointment with eye doctor.
* Make appointment for My Love with dentist.
* Shop for niece's birthday present.
* Prepare for family time. Don't forget scrapbook stuff, birthday and Easter presents, and typing special Easter Breakfast recipe so it can be shared.

M - Prepare for special family time.
Tu - Prepare for special family time.
W - Prepare for special family time.
Th - Enjoy family time.
F - Enjoy family time.
Sa - Enjoy family time.

Menu ... Snack - Peanut Butter Oat Bites
M - Moe's (grocery shop)
Tu - eat out with my parents
W - eat out
Th - TBD
Sa - TBD
Su - Special Easter Breakfast Recipe: Southern Living Lemon Muffins

* Spending time with out of town family.
* Neice's birthday party Thursday night.
* Six days in a row off work!

Things I'm Thankful for Today...
* God's love & provision.
* My Love.
* CopperMan.
* Friends and Family

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Meanderings... April 11, 2011

Verse of Week...
1 Peter 2:24 - “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

Bible Study...
* One Year Bible: Old Testament
* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob
* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max (Chapter 17)

Husband Encouragement...
* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.
* Pray for him at least three times daily.
* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening.
* Work on how I tell him what's bothering me. Tell him in such a way that lets him know I know he loves me and wants to help me and do good by me and that I don't think he would ever do anything to hurt me.

Personal Goals...
* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.
* Add a "Zone" routine.
* Do at least one thing that will feel like pampering to me.
* Exercise 5 days this week.

Work Goals...
* Start registering child care centers for the summer reading program.
* Start calling volunteers for kick-off.
* Prepare shopping list for SLP.
* Schedule shopping trip for SLP.
* Lead attitude change with a good attitude from me.

New Habit of the Month...
* April - De-clutter in at least four 15 minute increments on my day off.
* March - Schedule my evenings. Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking CopCop.
* January & February - 7 in 2011 plan

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**
(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH and continuing)
M - Vacuum
Tu - Dust
W - Quick Mop
Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)
F - change the sheets
Sa - Date Night!
Su - trash, rest

Must Do...
* Mail scrapbook stuff to SIL!
* Give CopperMan his meds.
* Pay water bill.
* Shop for nieces.

Zone: Bathrooms & Laundry Room
M - Scrub down the base of the toilet (from the bowl down) and behind the toilet.
Tu - Wash bathroom trash cans
W - clean out medicine cabinet
Th - wipe down the top and lids of the washer and drier
F - get ALL laundry folded for My Love/Hang happy pic (pic of CopperMan maybe?) in laundry room
Sa - Mop bathrooms

Menu ...
Snack - Peanut Butter Oat Bites
M - Moe's (grocery shop)
Tu - Spinach-Stuffed Steaks with Sauteed onions, potatoes and green beans or early peas
W - Seared Tuna Steaks on white beans with grape tomatoes and garlic chips
Th - ham & cheese mini frittatas, biscuits, and peaches
F - Date Night
Sa - Korean BBQ Flank Steak on Hot & Sour Slaw Salad
Su - leftovers from freezer

* Date Night!
* Ladies bible study
* 3 day weekend

Things I'm Thankful for Today...
* God's love & provision.
* My Love.
* CopperMan.
* Bible Study Ladies... precious gifts & lights in my life from God.
* Comp. Time which is enabling me to take a much needed three day weekend.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Meanderings... April 4, 2011

Verse of Week...

Ephesians 1:7 - "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace"

Bible Study...

* One Year Bible: Old Testament

* What Makes a Man Feel Loved/ Barnes, Bob

* In the Eye of the Storm/ Lucado, Max (Chapter 16)

Husband Encouragement...

* Work on being soft and calmly assured that God has things under control.

* Pray for him at least three times daily.

* Relax and spend time talking and snuggling with him each evening.

* Make him a yummy snack.

* Don't accuse him when I tell him what is bothering me. Learn to tell him what is wrong in a new way.

Personal Goals...

* Press on with "7 in 2011" plan.

* Add a "Zone" routine.

* Spend some time enjoying reading. I miss reading. I have been too busy to do it for fun lately. * Work out 5 days this week.

Work Goals...

* Start school visits.

* Start calling volunteers for kick-off.

* Prepare shopping list for SLP.

* Lead attitude change with a good attitude from me.

New Habit of the Month...

April - De-clutter in at least four 15 minute increments on my day off.

March - Schedule my evenings. Make it a point to get my "chores" and bedtime routine completed by 9:00 PM. Be sure to include walking

CopCop. January & February - 7 in 2011 plan

** "Let's Go for Seven in 2011!"**

(JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH and continuing)

M - Vacuum

Tu - Dust

W - Quick Mop

Th - Scrub Bathrooms (Ladies Bible Study)

F - change the sheets

Sa - Date Night!

Su - trash, rest

Must Do...

* Mail scrapbook stuff to SIL.

* Pay bills.

* Tweak our budget.

* CopperMan's monthly meds. (buy & give)

* Get CopperMan some more food.

Zone: Kitchen

M - scrub down the counter tops- hot soapy water wipe down the counters from front to back and side to side. Tu - kitchen trash can - use a soapy rag and wipe down the sides and the bottom. W - scrub kitchen sink faucets

Th - surfaces of big appliances, doors, handles, and surfaces.

F - four 15 minute declutter sessions in the back bedrooms and living room

Menu ...

M - leftovers

Tu - Moe's (grocery shop)

W - London Broil with Onion Vinaigrette, brown rice and carrots

Th - spaghetti, salad, & garlic bread

F - Spinach-Stuffed Steaks with Sauteed Onions, baked potatoes and green beans

Sa - Date Night

Su - eat from freezer


* Date Night!

* Ladies bible study

* Possibly having some friends over for dinner Friday night

Things I'm Thankful for Today...

* God's love & provision. A God who helps me daily. I couldn't face the day without him.

* My Love. He chose me and made me feel really special this weekend. He is a true gift from God.

* CopperMan. The best, most loving dog a girl could have.

* Books (Christmas gifts) with no "due dates"!

* Bible Study Ladies... precious gifts & lights in my life from God.

* Gym Membership with swimming pool!

* TV/Netflix - mental/emotional escape without packing!

* Leftovers = nights without cooking! We usually only have enough to cover lunch the next day. This weekend we had enough to give me an extra night off. I'm thanking God for that.